50 Türkiye

Persecution Type
  • Islamic oppression (Strong)
  • Religious nationalism (Strong)
  • Dictatorial paranoia (Strong)
  • Ethno-religious hostility (Strong)
  • Clan oppression (Medium)
Christian population



Presidential Republic

Main Religion



President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

What does persecution look like in Türkiye?

The combination of rising religious nationalism and a growing emphasis on Islamic values by the government is intensifying the pressure on believers in Türkiye. 

Foreign Christians continue to be forced to leave the country or banned from returning, including those with Turkish spouses and children. Historical Christian communities are monitored regularly and subjected to controls and limitations by the government.

Although conversion from Islam to Christianity is not legally forbidden, anyone who is not a Muslim, or who converts to a different faith, is seen as a disloyal Turk. Christians are viewed as a negative Western influence, and those who choose to follow Jesus—whether from Islam or secularism—can face pressure from their families and communities to recant their faith. Even Christians from minority ethnic backgrounds, such as Greeks and Armenians, are feeling the pinch in the form of various legal and bureaucratic challenges. And given that religious affiliation registered on the electronic chip inside ID cards, it’s easy for employers, particularly those with connections to the state, to discriminate against believers. 

Türkiye is also home to converts from countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq. On top of pressure from Turkish society and government officials, these believers face pressure from their own families and communities. Many are fearful of making contact with local churches because of the risk of discovery by community members.

What changed this year?

For some time, the number of foreign Christians receiving an entry ban seemed to be decreasing. However, during 2023, the number began to increase again. The Turkish government has continued to ban some expatriate Christians from re-entering the country, often on vague security grounds. These bans seem to be a deliberate attempt to isolate the non-traditional churches.

How can I pray?

  • That Christians will be seen as valued members of Turkish society, rather than a threat
  • That believers will be given boldness, wisdom and protection as they follow Jesus in an increasingly hostile society
  • That believers will not grow disheartened by the rising challenges facing them.

More Christians need help than ever before.

As we close out 2023, the number of persecuted Christians is higher than ever. With greater persecution comes greater need. Your year-end gift will help – including providing more Bibles, more discipleship, and more relief aid.

Our year-end goal is $500,000 to help our persecuted family. Will you prayerfully give a gift today?
