48 Jordan

Persecution Type
  • Clan oppression (Strong)
  • Islamic oppression (Strong)
  • Dictatorial paranoia (Medium)
  • Christian denominational protectionism (Medium)
Christian population



Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy

Main Religion



King Abdallah II

What does persecution look like in Jordan?

Many Christians in Jordan are able to worship freely. In general, Jordan is more tolerant of Christianity, particularly compared to some other places in the region. The monarchy of King Abdullah II has recognized multiple churches and allows these communities to worship freely, as long as they don’t preach publicly or reach out to Muslims. But even Christians in these communities report facing some level of discrimination in the workplace. And the Jordanian state actively monitors all approved churches.

But any Christian who is active in evangelism, is known to support converts from Islam, belongs to an unrecognized church, or is a convert from Islam, can experience pressure. Christians who convert from Islam and offer an open testimony can face threats of beating and killings, especially from their families and communities. If their conversion becomes known, all official documents (including marriage certificates, mortgages, etc.) they have signed will automatically become invalid. Churches that evangelize can face harassment from Jordanian authorities, and church leaders who support converts from Islam risk pressure and suspicion.

Outside forces also have an impact on life for Christians within Jordan. Radicalized Muslims who fought in Iraq and Syria have returned home, and a number of highly conservative Muslim teachers influenced from surrounding countries (particularly Saudi Arabia) are potentially a danger to Christians and other minority groups in Jordan. The Jordanian government is so concerned that it monitors sermons in mosques to try to prevent extremism from rising.

What changed this year?

As usual, little has changed in Jordan this year. Many Christians continue to worship freely, benefitting from Jordan’s global reputation as a tolerant society. But other Christians remain relegated to the shadows, knowing their faith is enough to bring threats and ongoing pressure.  

How can I pray?

  • Ask God to make His presence known to Jordanian Christians who have followed Jesus out of Islam. Let these believers know they aren’t alone.
  • Praise God that Christians have more freedom in Jordan than elsewhere in the region. Ask God to continue to change hearts and minds so every believer can worship freely.
  • Pray that God would open doors for Christians to share their faith safely and wisely.

More Christians need help than ever before.

As we close out 2023, the number of persecuted Christians is higher than ever. With greater persecution comes greater need. Your year-end gift will help – including providing more Bibles, more discipleship, and more relief aid.

Our year-end goal is $500,000 to help our persecuted family. Will you prayerfully give a gift today?
